Hi George - are you tracking on the current Antarctica journey? The final experiment. Globers and FE are landing in Antarctica today to film the sun. A 24 hour sun should be an impossibility on a flat earth.
https://www.the-final-experiment.com Results soon
I watched the same videos that Kenneth did of both witsit and jeranism. Is this the case with our community to not be obective and totally biased towards evidance we don’t like?. Personally I was hoping they wouldn’t see the 24hr sun. I hate admitting I’m wrong, but just because my model doesn’t work doesn’t necessarily make earth a globe. As a FE I have always admitted I don’t know what the sun is.
There seems to be some evidence for green screen usage on their video. Not sure what to think but here's some interesting videos on it: 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3HEgGQL92E
Whats the update on this?