Hello George,
This is more just a suggestion for providing a way you can build your Videos section to have more content there.
It has become so frustratingly difficult (as we all know now) to search for anything to do with the Flat Earth topic on YouTube - I've herad people say even when you put the exact name of the video in, it sometimes wont get it.
It was great to find the videos you have there. Could you maybe have a suggestion box that people can send links to, which can then be rebiewed by you and then if deemed good, pertinent content, loaded-up into your videos tab/page section? (are you able to inbed from other vid platforms besides YouTube?) -if not, even just the links would be awesome -
Guess I'm trying to suggest for you to really build-up a one-stop, all encompassing library of videos
Keep up the great work you are doing - It is making a difference in a lot of people's lives, I'm sure of that as I can attest to how well recieved and what a positive difference your show and this wensite has done in mine.
That would be good. I would be worried we would be putting too much on George though, thats another task for him to do. I would think he could setup a section that registered users could add the resources too, if anything was questionable maybe we can flag things and he can remove them? Or even if we added them and the new items went to him for approval before posting, that would be less work than George having to post the items himself. But I do like the idea of having a repository. One annoying thing Inotice with Spotify is that when I use the Desktop version to listen the show notes do NOT have clickable links (occasionally they are clickable, but rarely) and you can not highlight and copy anything from them. But on the mobile version you can? That makes no sense Spotify! Super annoying.
There are several other sources preferable to YouTube: bitchute.com, rumble.com.