I have been trying to explain our cosmology to my brother, who is a farmer. He brought up that our square mile road system has "corrections", as in a jog in the road, to account for curvature. I am talking about completely level areas where there aren't any rivers or hills that would explain taking the path of least resistance. I am more inclined to believe human area caused roads not to line up. Does anyone have any information? This is the first argument on this subject I have come across.
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https://archive.org/details/cu31924031764594 - Chapter VI
Did a quick search, discovered this: https://laureenmarchand.com/2016/05/20/correction-line-principle/
My first un-confirmed thoughts are:
These correction lines are only for travelling north, and they're laid out using meridian lines (or magnetic north). If they were made simply using surveying lines, where surveyors just measure right angles, etc, there would be no correction needed.
What do southern countries do, such as South Africa? I am pretty sure that they have to compensate for expanding meridian lines there as they move south, which shouldn't be happening on a ball.
So these corrections on roads works on a flat plane, because the meridian lines converge to magnetic north.
Then start looking up engineering memes and facts. David Wardlaw Scott writes about this in his book Terra Firma. No engineer has EVER compensated for curvature while building railroads, bridges, or canals. The longest bridge is in China. It's over 100 miles long - no compensation.