Hi dear George! It’s my first time posting here, but I suspected others may also be curious. Unless you’ve already spoke on this elsewhere and I just have not heard.
I’m curious why you have not uploaded any new flat earth files podcast episodes since May 15?
Those podcasts are often extremely encouraging, and so I tend to look forward to listening to the new ones not long after they drop.
I started listening to your newest fact hunter episode (on Pearl Harbor), to hear if you mentioned anything about the flat earth files, but didn’t hear anything yet.
So I figured that I would venture here to ask, and I may email you also, just to make a personal connection.
Thank you so much for all that you do!
I'm assuming this is old news now since I was just interviewed last weekend for an episode that should be uploaded this weekend I am still listening to all episodes all the way from episode 1 .. and am now in the 90s..I guess I haven't come across this break in episodes yet?
George, Where are you? What's happening? I Love the Fact Hunter but missing Flat Earth!!
Came here to see if there was an update to!!
Same here. But George has said before that we, as truthers, need to make sure we are taking breaks from the hunting, as sometimes we get too lost in it or consumed by it. I like to think that George is taking a break so that he can come back with a fresh mind and reevaluate how he approaches the subject. In the mean time, it leaves us with the opportunity to give him new material or expand on what truth we currently have. Or, like George is doing, fast and let what you have be consumed completely. Fasting is very good for you.
I was wondering as well! I love the podcasts!