I know Genesis 1:16 states "hen God made two great lights (Or luminaries depending on how you translate the origional text): the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also."
Withh that said, how do we account for half moons, quarter moons, etc. If the moon itself has its own illuminating properties, why at times is it not fully lit? Or if it is fully lit, what is creating the shadow causing us not to be able to see the full moon.
I guess the simple question is, how do we account for moon phases if the moon is itself a light?
I hadn't seen that video but I've heard commentary on it. Interesting to see.
At this juncture I have come to accept the fact that NONE of us KNOW. We speculate, we assume, we guess, sometimes pontificate, debate, and argue. But we don't know.
I also don't think, for a variety of reasons, we will know on this side of life.
I still enjoy the conversations and like watching discussions and debates. And I like to listen to the Flat Earth Files podcast because I enjoy hearing other perspectives. But with that said, my faith and uderstanding will stay rooted in Biblical context and understanding. If I educate myself to the best of my ability in the word of God, I am confiden't I will learn what I need to know while I am here. The rest I can learn when we meet face to face.
The reality is, flat earth is not a salvation issue. I know it has been commented on many times on the podcast that people have come to Christ as a result of researching flat earth, that's awesome. But that does not make flat earth a salvation issue. God uses many things to bring us to him. In fact, the Bible says God shows Himself to His creation and we are without excuse if we reject His revelation in creation. But I digress.
I also know the issue, not being Salvation, is more about our history and "why the lie?" as George so accuratly addressed in the very first episode of this podcast. Our history and those that have written about it just cannot be trusted. Why, because its written by people. Falible humans. Unlike the Bible, history books, letters, tablets, scrolls, etc. are not God breathed. They weren't inspired by God. It was authored by humans who each have their own perspective, opinion, recollection, motivation, etc. regarding what happened.
My point is, I will continue to enjoy the globe vs. flat conversation, investigation, and this podcast :) but I have to take solice in the knowledge that I don't and won't truly know until I pass from this life. The Bible and the study thereof will be the foundation of my knowledge. I truly believe the information within is all I need to KNOW at this time.