In this episode, we have a great conversation with Justin from Harrisburg, PA. We discuss his journey to the truth, how Covid played a part of his awakening, the Georgia Guidestones, NASA, and much more. This episode debuts Sunday December 22, at 8 PM ET.
If you would like to reach out to Justin, his email is:
Tim Alberino: Fallen Angel Technology Uncovered!
Show Notes:
Pilot lands safely after bird strike destroys plane’s nose
Joshua Tree National Park
Hawaiian Islands
Alternative spellings of woman
The Sum of All Fears
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Releases Report Confirming Radioactive Material Lost in Transit — Shipping Container Arrives Damaged and Empty in New Jersey
Pilot lands safely after bird strike destroys plane’s nose
Georgia Guidestones
The Antarctic Treaty – What Happens in 2048?
Man. This Alberino guy has an agenda. Listen to this crap:
That was 6 years ago. But he still has tweets I found from last year that say things like "Flat earth is a psyop."
He's blinded by his own agenda. How can you read into the Bible and the aprocrypha in order to see the secrets of the fallen, but ignore the fact that the planets and other bull crap don't exist in any of the text? Not too mention, he believes that the little g gods in the Bible aren't the fallen. In my opinion, the guy is a jackass. Blatantly ignores information in order to progress his fantasies.