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Forum Posts

Jul 03, 2023
In General Discussion
I have come to realize that Lucifer and his armies of adversaries are so knowledgeable and deceptive that they can fool every human sense. This is why faith in God is necessary. It's the only way. We have a couple of hints and that's it. We can trust a tree by its fruit. The entire foundation of ethics comes from the Bible. I do believe some of it has been obstructed from us but I also believe everything spiritual is founded on gods law and he made it so that if we humble ourselves and trust that he is the source of all creation, truth and love. He will give us eyes capable of discernment. We need Jesus because sin is inescapable and it multiples with every generation. We are absolutely more wicked than the first humans. The path to eternity is impossible for us to walk with out The blood of Jesus at this point. I used to doubted this at one time, but now I have seen what obedience to Gods laws has done in my life which is nothing short of miraculous. I am no naïve person either. I would say I have numerous rebellious pasts with crime and the occult and I now know there are 3 things I can trust none of them are human and none of them are me; they are The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit. God is real Lucifer is real Angels are real and Demons are real.


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